Behemoth- Lucifer (Video)


Behemoth released the following video for Lucifer today off their latest full-length, Evangelion. Have a look, or skip to the bottom of this post for the NSFW version: 

Behemoth always delivers the best visuals. Really, I wish more bands would put more thought into their music videos. My opinion’s always been that like album art, production, and obviously, the band’s music, music videos are a chance for expression and creativity and the band playing in a warehouse/forest, aggressive camera angles thing just doesn’t do it for me anymore. Oddly, many of my favorite bands are guilty of this and I find myself enjoying the music videos of band’s I don’t afford much more than a passing listen to, or outright hate, a lot better. I wonder, then, if lesser bands rely more heavily on selling people with their visuals than the music itself? Interesting.

Of course, Behemoth is one of a few exceptions because I think we can all agree their top-self packaging adorns top-shelf substance. 

Here’s the NSFW (boobies, blood) version of Lucifer:

What do you guys think? And while we’re on the subject, what’s your favorite music video? Do they even matter to you?

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About Josh Johns

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Chief Editor and Writer for Metal CallOut. Favorite sub genre of heavy metal includes Black, Death, Folk and Traditional. Josh can be found at Google+.

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