Meshuggah: ‘Do Not Look Down’ Lyric Video


I haven’t listened to Meshuggah in ages. In fact, the last time was probably 2008, when Obzen was released, I thumbed through it a few times, gave it the ‘not bad’, and moved on.

Cool story, huh?

Anyway, they released a new track today, Do Not Look Down, off their forthcoming new album Koloss and my thoughts haven’t changed.

It’s not bad.

Quite good, even, if you’re into their sort of thing. Personally, I’m not but there’s no denying these are some very skilled dudes. Below you can watch a lyric video for the new track and make up your own opinion, which I hope you share in the comments’ section at the bottom there.

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About Josh Johns

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Chief Editor and Writer for Metal CallOut. Favorite sub genre of heavy metal includes Black, Death, Folk and Traditional. Josh can be found at Google+.

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